As a new Mama, more than ever I'm realising the thing I've always banged on about so much, really is true.
For so long I've talked about my passion towards how the spaces you surround yourself with make you feel, and how they really have the power to improve your lifestyle. Of course I always believed this (after all I'd be a hypocrite for preaching it if I didn't), but in all honesty, we never used to spend all that much time in our home.
Between working daily in the store, refreshing displays on evenings and building the biz every minute in between, and of course Craigs 'actual real life job', we were lucky if we managed one hour a week together in the home we created.
Then BOOM.
Baby LD tipped my world upside down and suddenly I find myself within this space almost all day long.
This post is coming a little late as Darla is now 14 weeks old we're actually finding ourselves out and about most days, even shooting for the website (amongst baby classes I swore I'd never attend but actually secretly LOVE). But in the early days, one 'occasion' (meeting/coffee/dog walk) was achievable, yet more than one became stressfully ambitious.
So in the last 12 weeks I have really grown to properly understand this notion I always knew made sense. If our home was uncomfortable (whatever that may be to you personally) I don't think I could have coped with spending so much time within it, in fact I think I may have even gone stir crazy (I've heard it from others!). I've finally had chance to embrace the warm, cocooning feeling of our dark walls, appreciate the luxury of a bubble bath in the 'grown up' bathroom I always dreamed of, and obviously, really really reap the benefits of a cosy bedroom with artwork that makes me reminisce of holidays and linen sheets that make breastfeeding on my own in the dark through the early hours that little bit more bearable.
Of course I am lucky that we had built this home before our babe came into our lives. I'm sure many people haven't had this same luxury; whether it be through baby coming mid home-reno, before forever home buy, or just because you've never gotten around to finishing the decorating the way you'd have liked.
I say there is no better time to start. It doesn't have to be a great big project with a great big budget. The smallest of things can change how your home makes you feel, a lick of paint, move around of furniture or finally hanging that artwork you've had under the stairs since you moved in.
Have a play with your space, don't wait to create something you WANT to spend your spare time in.
Enjoy doing it.
Enjoy using it.
If it's not immediately right, don't sweat it.
Part of creating your space is the process of doing it. Don't just head for a light fitting, a rug and a big picture all in one day and expect to love your space forever. That kind of space will date quickly and you will outgrow it.
Perfect spaces evolve over time and the best ones are never perfect - make any sense?
And when you get the chance to really live in the space you've created, you'll realise just how much you love it and how it is making your days a whole lot more pleasurable (maybe even bearable).